Giving money is extremely important for those in need of financial assistance. However, since we've started providing financial support to breast cancer patients, we've found ourselves giving much, much more.
The coordinators and volunteers at BVLT have spent hours listening and hearing the incredible stories of our recipients. In response to the faith, bravery, and determination of these women, our coordinators often find themselves praying with, rejoicing with, and standing with these amazing women. In many cases we are told that the care and concern we provide is even more valuable than the financial gift. Ironically, we as coordinators and volunteers of BVLT are blessed and inspired by the strength of the women we are here to serve.
“At BVLT we are experiencing blessings that go far Beyond Money.”
Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive". We are experiencing the truth of that statement at BVLT. We are truly thankful for our donors and volunteers who make it possible for us to give money, give love and receive inspiration. At BVLT we've are experiencing blessings that goes far Beyond Money.